Council Guaranteed Rent Scheme Fulham
London landlords can come to us for a refreshing and effective new approach to letting and management services. Communication is key in any successful relationship, yet all too often, the opportunity for meaningful exchange of information is lost in the pursuit of efficiency. Our goal is to facilitate landlord/tenant relationships in order to achieve mutually beneficial results without adding any inconvenience. Read on to discover how the affordable homes Fulham landlords offer can form the basis for a stable and lucrative property portfolio.
How Much Does the Service Cost?
For rental properties available at the Local Housing Allowance Rate (LHA rate), we can offer a 100% FREE package of services which will help you identify a suitable tenant for your property, and provide a smooth running, low-risk platform for your future relationship. For properties available at a premium rate, we can put you in touch with tenants with higher budgets, who wish to benefit their local communities by helping families on lower incomes.
In order to provide equal housing opportunities, Fulham local authorities are ready to step in and help. No-one wants to see a young family forced out of the area if they experience a temporary setback, or a long-standing community member have to abandon the place they have made their home. If they fall on hard times and receive Universal Credit Fulham families can have their LHA rate rent covered until they get back on their feet.
This is not only a protection for the householder, it also benefits the landlord as the regular rental payments are maintained. Therefore, our free LHA landlord services allow both parties the peace of mind which comes from knowing they are prepared for any eventuality.
Affordable Homes Fulham
How Do We Do It?
The services we provide at Lease for Life are based on our proven tenant mentoring process. This involves pre-approving tenants with favourable histories, and identifying the type of accommodation which will suit them best. It also allows us to screen out potential ‘problem tenants’ at an early stage.
When we recommend a landlord tenant match, Fulham landlords are encouraged to meet with their prospective tenants face-to-face, or at least by videoconference. This gives you the chance to ask any questions you may have, and check the suitability of the applicant. After all, as the landlord, you should be able to choose which tenant is right for your property, not the other way round!
When an applicant may have to fall back on local housing allowance, Fulham landlords may be reluctant to offer them a tenancy agreement. However, since our process makes use of the council guaranteed rent scheme, Fulham homes can be let with a ‘safety net’ in place for both parties.
Landlord Tenant Match Fulham
Benefits to the Landlord
For a business to trade successfully in difficult times, it is important to appeal to a wide demographic. Likewise, a landlord who makes their property available to a wide range of home hunters increases their chance of finding the right tenant. We can help you with the search by guiding you through the steps and putting measures in place to minimise risk.
By putting in place a rent guarantee for landlords, Fulham authorities have created an opportunity property owners will want to grab with both hands. To learn more about tenant mentoring Fulham landlords can contact our team today.

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